Beloved Armenian and Iranian Friends whom I have labored with,


I have served with you in your native middle east and amongst your peoples for many years since you came to this country a few decades ago. I have spent much of my own personal inheritance to labor in foreign vineyards and in the vineyard of my nativity. I am hurt by the choices that you have made since coming to this country.


You have helped yourself to the social programs and advantages but never fully assimilated into this culture nor transforming it into a greater christian culture.. You have used this country to financially platform resources back to your indigenous country and peoples. Yet to date there is no real contribution to the our christian father's ideals where you live. Shouldn't you be seeking the welfare of your country of exile? Jer 29:7 For soon it is planned that 200,000 Syrians will be relocated to this nation 100,000 to the Bay Area.


Our Lord started the church while preaching and teaching in Galilee. At that time people came from Syria (the syro-phonecian woman) to Galilee to hear and be healed by the Lord Yeshua. As a result the Syrian Orthodox church claims to be the first church. The Armenian's claim to be the first christian nation. Realizing that even today the Armenian's claim one quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem due to their historical investment as a christian nation.


The question arises “These Middle Eastern countries, where the original christian churches were established, why have they not had a vital transforming witness within their own cultures and nations?” They did not lose their lives for the sake of the Gospel rather they furthered their self lives for love of their own flesh.


I am here to remind you of the elementary principles of the faith. This is a serious hour. Do you recognize what hour we are in? I need to remind you of our Father's faith of the Holy Scriptures. I call you to the higher elementary principles of Christian living.


I heard a Syrian Christian's testimony from Voice of the Martyrs magazine that they had been praying and praying for revival. Well revival did not come how they thought it would but it came through war.


Now the fires of purging that you fled will be right behind you to purify. Ez 15:7+8


In Yeshua's love,

Kathleen Pirl