Mt. Hermon


The Grigori

Chapter 4

First time I did a prayer assignment in the early 2000's. We drove up in a mini bus. Upon arriving at the ski lodge on top of Mt. Hermon. I retired to the rest rooms. As I was looking out the window at the gathering clouds, thunder and lightning crashed out all around. I ran out of the room to see what was going on!

We drove back to Jerusalem where we were staying in a prayer house. We had gathered in an entry room, to seek the Lord, when a violent wind rose up. Everyone ran into other rooms behind closed doors except me. I stood in front of the large plate glass window as the wind increased in violence. Suddenly I saw what seemed to be a fist in the wind headed straight for me. As the wind hit the window the glass shattered everywhere all around but not one shard touched me.

The second time I went up to Mt. Hermon the Lord told my apprehensive soul to go up. I obeyed bringing with me another intercessor. She began to dispute with me the Mt. Hermon assignment. Trying to persuade me to go to the Gaderenes, where the demonic previously resided in the Gospel account. I said no, the Lord specifically said Mt. Hermon. She began to sulk. Arriving at the UN military base on Hermon we stopped to pray. I connected by conference call with some intercessors in NY. The woman refused to pray with me, as she was full of fear, and occult transgressions.

The three peaks there are Mt. Hermon, Mt. Seir, and Mt. Amman. At the base of Mt. Hermon is Banayais or Panayais the ancient, half goat, half man satyr, lord of drunkenness and sexual perversions. More pagan temples have been built on this ancient site than anywhere else in the world. This place is also know as the Gates of Hell where human sacrifices were offered up in the waters that flowed out from under the mountain.

Finishing our assignment I drove back to Haifa to take her home. She verbally attacked me. The outcome was that I overcame her verbal volley eventually making peace with her.

Hermon Map

A Brief on Mt. Hermon