Wine Time

9/4/2014 KL


I saw a corkscrew for opening a wine bottle.

It was a very fancy metal wine bottle opener.

It had light behind it.

I saw some hands come and take the opener. I knew

it was the Lord's hands.

He came, took the opener, and put it

in the cork began to unscrew the cork, and removing it from the bottle.


He said, "Everything is getting prepared."

He poured some wine into a glass swirling it around. He hadn't tasted it yet.

But He poured it into the glass letting it breathe.

I knew the wine is being prepared.

It is right at the table to be poured out.

He's about to pour out the wine. He saved the best wine as the last wine.


There's an outpouring. "Everything's being prepared."

He said, "Everything’s being made ready.

The final arrangements are being made for the wedding supper.

Everything’s being made ready.

Everything is being prepared.

All is coming into the finishing touches.


The wine is about to be poured out. The banquet is about to served.

I am the feast. I am the bread of heaven. I am the blood. I am the blood.

I am the blood of life for you. I am going to pour out.

There is coming an anointing and an outpouring.

It's the wine for the time.

It's the time wine for the time line.

Everything is being made ready so prepare,

prepare the way, prepare the way for my coming.


2nd part

Eye has not seen nor has ear heard the things

that I have prepared for those that wait on Me. 

Eternity is holding unbelievable, unfathomable,

treasures forever and this is the final generation.


I saw a crown.


This is the crowning of My creation.

My final generation that shall praise Me.

That shall worship Me.

That shall glorify My Name.


As I bring forth the labor, travail and the crowning that all of creation

is groaning that the sons of God might be made manifest.

That the crowning of the birthing of the kingdom is at hand

and that I am going to be highly exalted in these final and last days.

And that I shall be crowned as the Lord of Glory and the King of Kings over all.


It shall be obvious those who serve me and those who do not.

Continue to be righteous let the righteous continue to be righteous;

and let the wicked continue to be wicked.

Let the goats continue to be butt heads.

Let the sheep continue to follow after Me wither soever I lead them.


This is the crowning of all my creation now.

The sun and the heavens and the stars everything is shaking.

The shmitta is the time of shaking, the seven years of shakings.

I am shaking and perfecting that which concerns Me.

Not one hair not one atom passes by that I don't know where it is going

and what it's destination and purpose is so you can trust Me with this.


I am holy. I separate. I sift. I refine.

The threshing time is now here at hand.

Pray for the laborers of the harvest.

Pray for them.

Pray that you might be worthy to endure and to be delivered from all these things

that are coming,

To be called children of God, pure and holy in a wicked and perverse generation.


These are greater than the days of Noah.

These are greater than the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Because this is the culmination of the age.

And yes they had intensity but this is a time like never was before

nor ever was nor ever will be again.


Such a generation you were born into.

This is a generation that people will become either great in my eyes

Or you will become utterly depraved.

There is no middle ground now the doors will soon be shut.


So light your lamps.

Anoint your eyes.

Anoint your ears.

Let your watching and let your lamps be lit

even as the darkness increases let your lights so shine before men.

You will glorify and you will testify of your Father who is in heaven.

In this My Name is elevated and exalted.

In this am I well pleased.

In this I find a perfect and pure vessel that I take pleasure in.

And that I write faithful across.


You don't write faithful. I write faithful. And I cause it.

There's nothing you do apart from Me.

If you do it is separated out and removed.

Because I am a totally possessive and jealous God.

Do you think I would share what is mine with anything else?

I will not.

I Am that I Am.

I Was; I Am; and I Shall Ever Be!

I am the Eternal Creator.

Those that deny Me deny Me at their own peril and foolishness.


But I will be exalted in the furnace of testings and afflictions.

I will be exalted over My entire universe.

There is nothing that passes by Me.

No not one hair of your head and not one atomic particle.


I am perfecting that which concerns Me!




September 4, 2014




This is the time, this is the hour,

This is the time of my great power

To be seen as never before

For I’m closing the door

To My Kingdom.


I look at the earth

I declare new birth

Is coming to her.

New heaven and earth     (Isaiah 51: 15-16)

To replace corruption, chaos, dearth.


A time, oh the time is come

For My bride, My only one

To walk with Me

All the way

Into eternity.


We’ll drink the wine of joy,

We’ll lift our toast to the Father;

For He has said, “Go and get your bride

That she may walk at Your side.


There are times when the waves will be rough on this world

There are times when the dew is no more.

There are times when the fire turns all to dust

And ashes forevermore.


The time is up, the time has come

And I will have My way

New birth is not just for mankind

It’s for the heavens and the earth


Cataclysm is coming, you’ll see

My power released through My glory

My great power and My choice

The time has come again

When the earth will hear My voice


Declaring judgment on the earth

Declaring judgment on each soul

Declaring judgment, know the time

When My mercy is no more

When I have shut the door

When the entrance isn’t there anymore.


The holy will only be with Me

And the profane in ashes will be

The holy will only be with Me

The profane in ashes will be.

