
Spirit Song and Interpretation


and Vision

Spirit Song and Interpretation 

All Authority


First, Palm 79 was read before we went into prayer.

Why do the nations rage against my King

that I have installed on my holy hill Mt. Zion?

Why do the nations rage against my sovereign authority?

Behold the King is coming in glory and majesty!


And every knee and tongue shall bow!

And every knee and tongue shall bow under the heavens!

And on the earth and under the earth!

And in every dimension and in every sphere!


Why do the nations rage against the authority of the Creator of all Eternity?

Yet have I installed my King on my holy Mountain Zion.

Rule in the midst of your enemies.

Behold the King He comes in great power and majesty!

He comes as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

To take up His rightful place in all authority

And majesty and all glory and all honor and power.


Behold the King is coming.

Behold the King is coming.

Fear not O Daughter of Zion.

You who have kept your robes,

Fear not O Beloved Bride of Zion.

You who have kept your hands and heart clean.


You have made your garments white in preparation.

For the Lord Almighty His coronation.

For the King is coming not as men think.

For the King is coming not as Satan prophesies.

For the King is coming to establish

The terrors of His Majesty,

The terrors of His Holiness,

The All Consuming fire of His Glory.


Behold the King is coming not on a colt.

Behold the King is coming on a white charger,

In great thunder from heaven.

The applause of the great shaking of every sphere and cosmic glory.

Behold the King is coming!

Look up! Look up! Your redemption is approaching.

Stand and see the glory of His Majesty!

Endure to the end.

And those who endure and call on His Name shall be saved

In Mt. Zion and Jerusalem!





 Judgment is on my house now

Judgment begins on the Lord's house.

You have judged yourself.

And judgment is on the Lord's house,

And then judgment is on the nations.


So even now, even now you have seen the

Judgment that is coming.

And then will come the judgment on the nations,

Great judgments are on the earth.

Great judgments are on the earth.

Because I Am the Judge of All Judges.

A name that is rarely given to Me.

But the courts of heaven were opened.

I heard the cases, they are now closed.

I have executed the sentence.

The gavel has come down

on My enemies.


The enemies of the Lord God Almighty

Shall pay seriously and severely.

Those who call themselves mine and are not mine.

I will, I will, I will do a strange and peculiar work.


You are not to be afraid

House of the Lord,

O House of Jacob,

O House of Israel,

I said all of Israel will be saved.


It is my, my, my blood salvation that is working.

I am making restitution and restore all things.

By my blood,

By my blood,

By my blood,

By my blood.

I am the Bridegroom of Blood.

I am restoring,

I am the restoration.


All things were created by Me

In Me and through Me

And being reconciled back to Me.


That which is not of Me

Shall be separated.

And I am separated

And I have separated

The darkness from the light,

The wheat from the chaff

And the winnowing is in process.



Trumpet Visions

I heard a trumpet blast in the spirit.

I saw an angel in white with a trumpet. Isaw and heard the angel blast the trumpet.

I saw an angel with a trumpet getting ready to blast.

I saw a pillar like an ancient greek torch with a fire being made ready to be thrown.

Rev 8:10Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a

torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.
