Vision July 24, 2019


 Surely, surely zeal for My house consumes Me.  Surely I will bring to pass the purposes and the promises that I have spoken to you.  Surely, it will come by My sovereign jurisdiction and not by the hand of man, for no man shall put their hand on the ark.  No man shall touch what I am doing.   I shall lift up one and another I will put down.  I am not looking for those who are qualified, but for those who trust and are obedient.  These are the qualifiers in this time and in this hour.  I haven't waited all these centuries, I haven't waited for the mystery of iniquity to be fulfilled, that I will not bring in the harvest.  I will bring in the harvest.  It is the time of maturity not only for sin but for righteousness.  Continue to do good.  Continue to walk humbly with Me and never mind your pressures, never mind the wicked men, never mind those who eat you up like bread for I am with you and I am your resource and I am your recourse.  Fear not.  I am about to do great things.



I saw a freight train in the distance.  I could hear it coming and it was not just one engine; it was several engines and it was powerful.  I could tell it was pulling a heavy load.  It was about up to speed and it was powerful.  When you have a freight train like that with a lot of engines there is no stopping it.  It was coming and it was read, and it actually had on the side of it a white beaver, and I sensed the purity of God.  It was a Canadian train and I could tell that it was coming and there was no stopping it.  Then I heard and could see another train.  I thought at first that it was following the red train but I thought, "how could that be?, because the red one was so long, but it was a parallel track.  The red trrain on the left and the blue train was a little bit behind, but it was slowly catching up to the red one.  It was just as powerful and had several engines on it, but it was blue, a light-medium blue, and it was gaining on the red one until they got closer and closer and the power was just incridible until it got along side the red one.  Then they went together neck-in-neck.  I could see that they were on parallel tracks ended in the same direction and I could see the lights on both of them.  Man, you talk about power and here they come and I sense that the red one was the Blood of Jesus, and also representative of some of the past moves of God.  For a brief instant I saw into the past, and I saw a red one with a steam locomotive, but these were powerful, modern diesels.  The blue to me was Heaven, the power of Heaven and the Holy Spirit, and I believe that the 2 of them in tandem will be the greatest outpouring the world has ever seen.  I sensed in the Spirit that they are coming and nobody is going to stop the and you've got to be prepared.  If you are not, you are going to miss it or it is going to sweep over you.  Prepare yourselves; the old wine in your wine skins will not do.  Make yourselves pliable.  You have too much teaching in your head and not enough of me.  Get your mind out of the way and trust your heart with Me Dewey