Star Wars

Compelled by Love


Thank you Thank you Thank you

Who is like you O Lord?Isn't that it? Michael?

Who is like God?


Who is like God?

Who is like the Lord God? God of the gods!

No one can make this right except for God Almighty!

It is out of the hands of man.

Man cannot have his hand in this!


I am shaking the foundations of heaven.

I am shaking the pillars of the earth.

I am shaking the universe.

And what I am doing No Man can stop!


Because I am coming! I am coming!

And the travail and the birth pains,

The travail and the birth pains are as a woman in labor.

All these things are coming to pass.

This is a kairos time

And appointed time.


Nothing, nothing, nothing,

Shall stand in my way!

The zeal for my house

The zeal for my inheritance,

For all things were created by Me,

In Me, and through Me and for Me

and are be reconciled back to Me!


For this is the time of the end of the age of darkness

And the satanic powers

And they have loosed themselves.

For Micha Mocha

Who is like thee O Lord?

Who is like the Lord Almighty?


I Am coming with vengeance and fury

To those who oppose Me!

I withstand them.

I will raise up standards.

I have sent out My servants.

I have sent out those speaking the Word of God.


Let all things come under subjection.

God ordained.

I have ordained principles of laws

That are laid out in my Word.

The commandments of God

And faith in the blood of the Lamb of God

Yeshua the Messiah!


The law shall go out of Zion

And the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

And the government shall be changed.

My footstool will be Jerusalem

And I will command all the nation's to come under

My sovereign jurisdiction.



I Am

Who is like God?

I Am God there is no other.


I have sent out my angelic hosts and My messengers.

They are about the business of opposing those

Who oppose Me and those in the darkness.

Speak the truth.

Speak my word.

Speak in the darkness.

Speak the life and the light of God.


Hold up the light of the world.

Hold up the truth.

Hold up. Hold up.

Uphold. Uphold.

For My coming is at the gate.

And the gates are being shaken.

And the foundations of the universe are being shaken.


Righteousness exalts a nation.





Artist Donna Smallenberg