Dewey Kirstein's Dream

5 April 2020 Palm Sunday


This was a very powerful alarming dream. I saw these leather gloves a blue grey colors. They were holding both legs of a bald eagle. That eagle was frantically fighting to get away. It was beating the gloves the eagle was beating and beating. It's talons were retracting then reaching at the gloves ripping and tearing the forearms and the gloves of the entity. All I could see was the gloves. But I felt like it was trapped by this entity or whatever. It was beating so hard with it's wings it was loosing it's feathers almost like it was molting. But the person behind the gloves or the thing behind the gloves was suffering too because of the deadly talons. It's beak was beating at the head, face, and chest just tearing at whatever it could get a hold of. It's wings would beat real hard to fly away then the hands would bring it back to the entity. Finally, after a long period of drama and traumatic feeling in the dream the eagle got away. And I didn't see it. I just knew that there was a space.

And the next scene I saw the eagle. It was really tattered, had a few blood stains on her but she was tenderly tending the young eaglet chicks and taking care of these young eaglet chicks. And she survived to take care of these young eaglet chicks. And that was the end of the dream. And I knew immediately that eagle was the United States.

It was the same eagle in the first segment of the dream.
