Monumental Kislev 2017

A December to Remember

December 12, 2017 Erev Hanukkah-December 20, 2017


5777 – 5778




On the first day of the Jewish feast of Hanuka in December 1917, the Battle of Jerusalem resulted in the city of Jerusalem falling to British forces led by General Allenby, after 400 years under Turkish rule.

On December 11 Allenby entered on foot out of his great respect for the Holy City, becoming the first Christian to control the city in centuries.


On December 12, 2017 it is Erev Hanukkah the 100the year anniversary of the above event.


A tremendous geopolitical rubric cubic realignment is currently in progress in the mild east. As the seven year Syrian war is winding down Russia, Turkey, and Iran are consulting over the re division of this area. Iran is placing many bases in eastern Syria all the way to the Golan Heights. Russian has the western Mediterranean coastline. And what about Turkey? Is it a resurgence of Kurdish control?


Meanwhile Assad under Putin's directive is looking to a UN brokered peace deal (really?) without internal political influence.


Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt are aligned to with stand the Shiite resurgence to the very northern border of the Golan Heights. Which by the way Syria has never given up nor will especially now that the Leviathan gas fields run right through the Golan to the Med Sea. Could be a hook in the crocodiles jaw!




Yesterday December 6, 2017 President Trump officially moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Prophetically we have shifted into high gear this Monumental Month!!!

Love in Yeshua's servant,

Kathleen Pirl

PS Please pray for Pakistan Christians.