Marin and Sonoma 6-12-2016

In Marin and in Sonoma County I am about to do a work. It is going to be a strange and peculiar workmake no mistakes about it. You don't think I haven’t heard the prayers of the intercessors? You don't think I haven't heard about the lawlessness of the judicial system? You don't think I have heard about the corruption increasing of lands and property, the illegal things that have happened on it? You don't think they have persecuted my true prophets? You don't think I don't see this and I don't know this?

But there is a hidden group here which is called the North Bay. And I am going to cause them to rise up in the days to come and they are going to speak things. They are going to come out of the woodwork. In fact they are going to come out of the Goodwill. They will say, "Who is this person?" And they will have the hand of God on them. And I will have them declare the iniquity of the wickedness of this place to it in order to bring mercy to withhold My hand of judgment. But it is only for an appointed window of time if they repent but if they do not I will surely discipline this place with a severe rod. KL