August 29, 2014

I am coming. I'm coming. I'm coming.

Can't you hear the bells at the bottom of my garments as I am walking?

 I'm coming. I'm coming.

I'm going through the holy of holies. I am going to go up and ascend the steps and go behind the veil.

I'm coming and nothing can stand in my way.

 Nothing gets in my way. Not the hand of man. Not the powers of darkness.

I'm coming. Can't you hear me? I am at the door.

The shakings are going to get get get more~ Cause I am the God that gives more then you can ask or imagine.

I haven't left you. I will not forsake you. I will not abandon you.

My Spirit is over those who walk with me even behind the veil. I'm coming. I'm coming.

My coming is at the door. I'm not knocking very much longer. I'm not going to be knocking very much longer.

I'm not going to be asking and begging them to come back in. I will not always strive with man. The seasons have changed and are changing again.

Over, over, over, over take my robes My robes are the only covering. I see and saw the Lord earlier and the Lord was spinning And his robes were around him as he was turning. And I am turning. And I am turning. And I am turning. And I am turning. And I am turning.

I am turning. I am turning it around. I am turning it swiftly. I am turning it quickly.

I said I would pour out my spirit on my sons and daughters. I will pour out my spirit. There will be signs in the heavens blood and fire and smoke. The moon and sun and stars falling from the heavens before the great and terrible day of the Lord.

I am coming to cleanse the earth of all unrighteousness, and filthiness, and wickedness. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. Can't you hear the sounds of the pomegranates and bells on the bottom hem of my garment as I am walking? I am walking barefoot. This is kadosh, kadosh, kadosh! Holy, holy, holy! I am the holy, holy, holy, I am a holy, holy, holy, righteous God.

I am coming. I am coming to purge and shake and cleanse. Get your garments ready, gird yourself up, wait for the wind to come.

So that you can outrun and outstrip the chariots of Ahab and Jezebel And run, run, and run faster and swifter than eagles. Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit you wait on Me! Wait on Me! Wait for My Spirit!

I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming! I'M COMING!