The Ruined House of the Lord in Europe



Oh My Father,

Your house in Europe and in the Continent

Your house is in ruins

The ancient house of the Lord

That you have Lord have raised up

and is taken down

is in ruins.

And your calling a leadership

Your calling a people to come rebuild Your house.


This is a time of consecration

And rededication

With those that you are calling

Will come before You

And ask You

to reveal the truth to them.


With crystal clarity.

And they will come before You

And they will say,

“If there be any wicked way

or any twisted way,

or any wrong doctrine,

or wrong teaching,

God I choose the Truth!

Wash me and cleanse me.

From the error of teachings,

or prophecies,

in any respect,

I come in humility.

I come and bare myself before You.

Come and show me

your ways O God.

Teach me Your Ways,

Teach me Your Ways.


When we did know your ways,


Those that I am calling to rebuild My house,

According to My blueprint

Not the blueprint of man,

or conjecture,

or wrong teachings,

or wrong revivals,

or “moves of the Holy Spirit”

But According to Your Blood Covenant

in Spirit and Truth.

In Yeshua's blood,

Kathleen Pirl