Season has changed!



I said, "Even though you were out in the hills

and the mountains,

and hiding in the caves,

because Saul was chasing you,

and pursuing you,

and he was oppressing you,

and his threats were going out to murder you

because you wouldn't serve his god,

god wouldn't do this, and god wouldn't do that,

and the slander was against god.


Because Saul in his demonic fury wanted to maintain

what he thought was the anointing

for his kingdom.


But the spirit of David persevered, persevered, persevered

and is being loosed now.


Like the house of  Eli where Ichabod has been written across the church

and the priesthood, you will see them fall over and break their necks,

and the yokes of government will be taken off of them,

their enemies will over whelm them.

Because the ark of the covenant the Presence of God

has been stolen from the church.


Because of the compromise of the ministries

the day is coming in now.


The priesthood is being changed over

to those who are anointed and appointed

and have been tested and persevered.


They have been hiding in the caves and in the mountains

and in the wilderness.

I will call my servants out,

to shout with their mouth,

the word of the Lord,

and to build the kingdom that will stand,

and be established through eternity.


Because the great Satan,

Satan is coming

and earthquakes and violent upheavals.


So do not be deceived

but perceive

and ask for the anointing on your eyes

that you might see accurately.


And those white garments

that are my righteousness

and the works that I've ordained for you.


And gold in your hands is your faith

that has been tried by fire.


Because you walked out side the city walls,

you walked out side the gates,

you walked out side to bear the reproach

all because you have an enduring city

an eternal city.


You haven't looked to the worldly earthly carnal Christian church.


So wait stand and be ready

in season and out of season

because now the season has changed.
