Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017and More

August 17, 2017

The heavens declare the glory of the Lord! Psalm 19




  1. Richmond VA another scripted George Soros “false flag” replete with agent provocateurs is in play. The “root issue” goes back to a Mr. Plecker, the head of vital statistics at the University of VA during WWI and WWII, the masonic (member of secret Anglo Saxon society) who developed a genocidal policy using genealogy records of the Native Americans. The said policy was allegedly given to the German Nazis for Semitic and other racial eugenics tactics in WWII. Well G. Soros once a Nazis always a Nazis.

  2. August 15 Richmond VA Dali Lama and Buddhist monks are creating a mandala in the holocaust museum. For those in the know the Buddhist monks were behind the occult rituals opening demonic portals in Nazis Germany.  What we have here is an occult ritual by Buddhist inviting demonic spirits into VA the Mother State of the United States.

  3. All our USA forefathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution broke the godly fathers Mayflower Compact and First Landing Covenants of God for this nation except the Quaker William Penn. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psa 11:3 ~~~ Ez 36:22-28 I will sanctify my Name in my people.

My hope is built on nothing less

Thank Jesus blood and righteousness

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand!

  1. American crocodile in Is 27 (Job 41) which is a Leviathan, or dragon, burns its way in explosive fiery tongues (by a lying tongue opening the gates of hell James 3:6) across the earth. Fire and Ice! Weather extremes!

  2. Culminating in the Revelation 12 astronomical sign on September 23 into an asteroid encounter on October 12.

  3. Jubilee declaration the birthing of the Kingdom in these days of violent labor pains during Jacob's trouble.

  4. Redemptive purposes of the “earth is the Lord's: the overthrowing of the usurper in the day of the vengeance of Our God Is 61.

  5. I will be leaving September 18 arriving on erev Rosh Hashana to journal report, and minister until the day after Shimeni Aretz October 14. If you would like to assist me and the other ministries I support including orphans and widows please send checks in my name to: Ms. Laurie Simerson P.O. Box 24 La Honda, CA 94020

  6. The next 50 year cycle will begin as the clock of heavens and earth spins.

Crown Him with many crowns,

the Lamb upon His throne!

Hark! Now the heav'nly anthem drowns

All music but its own!

Awaken my soul and sing

Of Him who died for thee,

And hail Him as thy

Matchless King

Throughout all eternity.


        In His Unmatched Love,

        Kathleen Pirl
